Saturday, June 4, 2011

MobiCam AV Extra Camera Review

MobiCam AV Extra Camera Review
I got this cam cause i wanted to see futher then 13 feet that my old one could.OH BOY did i got some rang.The sound is awsome and the picture is SOOOOO clear.I LOVE IT. I am so glad i invested the money my next goal is to get the internet thingy for it.
I purchased the add on camera since I have twins. The camera was defective because I was unable to see my child at night. If I lighted one camera I could not see the other child in the other camera. Also there was a lot of clicking when going from one camera to the other. Also their was so much static that it kept me up all night and I was unable to hear my children when they cried. I ordered my camera from an Amazon retailer. and it was nightmare to return. Customer service was horrible and they also do not provide return postage even thought the product did not work. They were unhelpful and rude. So not only is this product useless so was the customer service help. I called Mobi and the customer service rep told me that the static and the clicking is a big complaint about their camera but that a digital version will not come out until the end of 2009 or early 2010. I went with the Levana which is a lot better but I am having some problems with the sound fading out while it is looking for a signal per their customer service rep. I just don't think there is a perfect monitor.
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