Saturday, June 4, 2011

Innovia Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor Review

Innovia Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor Review
I used this for several months on my boy (from 6 mo. till 1 yr) and it never showed a positive result (red light) or even a "monitor" warning (yellow light). Nothing but green. When he kept waking up at night crying inconsolably, I knew something wasn't right. A visit to the pediatrician revealed a significant, ear infection that the doctor suspected had been ongoing for a while. So even though the positive control test that accompanied the monitor consistently gave a positive reading, this thing could not catch a real ear infection. I ended up just throwing it in the trash, and now I just take my son to the doctor when I am suspicious of an ear infection.
Read more about Innovia Earcheck Middle Ear Monitor Review...

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