Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BébéSounds Angelcare Movement Sensor w. Sound Monitor w. Two Parents' Units Review

BébéSounds Angelcare Movement Sensor w. Sound Monitor w. Two Parents' Units Review
I was taking a nap in the room with my son's crib, when the alarm went off. I jumped up and ran to the crib and he was not breathing. No chest rising, no movement. I screamed and poked and prodded him until he started to breathe and awaken. Wether he was just in a very, very deep sleep or wether he was not going to breathe again, I don't know and I don't want to know. They say that when they enter very deep sleep like that is when they stop breathing. To me, it appeared he was not breathing. Every night we slept with this monitor on, it gave us tremendous peace of mind. I would NEVER be without one of these. We are now expecting our second child and I will be purchasing one again. (We took our last one on vacation with us and something happened to the sensor pad in the luggage. It lasted a long, long time, but it didn't last through baggage on the airlines. I would recommend packing it in the carry-on next time)

This product is worth every penny.
Do you know it's normal for newborns to stop breathing in their sleep? Most babies have the mechanism in their brain that turns the switch back on, to breathe again. However, some newborns do not have this switch. This is why there is SIDS. Also, did you know....if your baby did stop breathing and you, the parent, knew they stopped breathing-just going and picking them up or even touching them, will also trigger the brain to breathe again (as long as it is right away, as the alarm sounds).

This monitor is worth every penny. We only paid $90 at our local Babies R Us. We did have to call around to a few locations to finally find one of these.

With my first child, I never got any sleep. She was born a few weeks early and was ill due to acid reflex, she couldnt keep any milk down. She was a breastfed baby, but was very weak. Back then, I didn't know about this item, I wish I did. My husband and I would take turns to stay up all night with her, to make sure she was always breathing. As a first time mom, SIDS was a scary thing (still is, even with our second baby). I remember being the most tired I had been at any time in my life. Those first months should have been a lot more joyous.

With my second daughter. She was delivered at 35 weeks (preemie) and was a perfectly healthy baby. However, any type of preemie has an increased chance of SIDS. My preemie still thought she was in my womb and would not wake up at all for the first month at home. She was in a sleeping coma. She wouldn't even want to wake up to eat. I was very worried about her 20 hours of sleeping all day/night. The first few days home I would watch her sleep all night and never sleep myself. By the 3rd day of this, I couldn't handle the no sleep thing, so I read about this item and had to buy it.

LIFE SAVER PRODUCT ALERT!! Get this! It's worth every penny.

Once my husband brought it home, we started to set it up right away. Our crib didn't have a hard base under the mattress, so we measured the crib and went down to Home Depot, to have a slice of ply board/wood cut out to put under the mattress and above the frame/box (the wood piece only cost $5). You MUST have a sturdy bottom to get accurate readings. Once the monitor is set up, you'll need to adjust the level of sensitivity. It may be a bit tricky at first, but only should take a few adjustments. Also, you can have a constant ticking sound on, which is the baby breathing. Dont worry, you do not have to have this ticking sound on, just to know your baby is breathing. For a test run, without the ticking sound on, you may need to have your baby sleep for a nap, then take your baby out, after the nap, without turning or touching the monitor/alarm. Once you walk out of the room, the alarm should go off (because its not picking up any movement). You will know, the alarm is working, if the alarm is sounding, once your baby has been removed from crib. Be aware, if you are walking near the monitor, it is so sensitive, that it picks up footsteps, so the monitor will not trigger if are moving all around the crib.

THANK GOD, I found this item. There were a few times in the first few months, my daughter did stop breathing and the alarm went off. Even though, it's most likely, she would have started breathing on her own. The sense of knowing and the peace of mind is WORTH having this item. I love this alarm. It's a life saver.

Read more about BébéSounds Angelcare Movement Sensor w. Sound Monitor w. Two Parents' Units Review...

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