Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer Infant Extra Camera For Day and Night Flat Screen Color Video Monitor Review

Summer Infant Extra Camera For Day and Night Flat Screen Color Video Monitor Review
i am so happy that i found this camera separate from the monitor. With a new baby coming, this is great to save a little money!It is compatible with my summer infant day and night monitor (2500). i am able to switch between channels "A" ( my daughters room) and Chanel "B" for the babys room with out any problems or interference. Its nice that i can still look in on my daughter with out having a whole separate video monitor!

AND i love the original video monitor by the way. We have had it for 2 years with out any problems
Extra Camera for Summer Infant Baby's Quiet Sounds Video Monitor - A18562

We pruchased this camera as a gift for our daughter because she needed to monitor a second room when a new baby moved into the nursery. It fulfills her needs almost perfectly and she is very happy with it. One small problem - if she wishes to listen to both rooms at the same time for "baby noises" - it is not possible. She must go to the monitor and physically switch between the rooms to see and hear each room separately.
Read more about Summer Infant Extra Camera For Day and Night Flat Screen Color Video Monitor Review...

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