Thursday, August 19, 2010

Graco imonitor Digital Color Video Baby Monitor Review

Graco imonitor Digital Color Video Baby Monitor Review
My Husband bought us this when we found out we were expecting. It worked really pretty well for the first 5.5 months over the last 2 weeks we have had a lot of signal issues. It continuely is refreshing looking for a new signal. I only use it at night, and everytime it looks for that new signal it beeps 3 times- talk about keeping you awake. The beep is now a dieing sounding beep. I am just waiting for it to completely stop working. We have tried multiple of things to fix it, reposition the monitor, move electrical appliances, even calling the company. It only has a year warranty, which was up in december, because the warranty starts from date of purchase. (go figure). We are not looking for a new monitor. Really really disappointed!
Great product, great picture, no static or feedback. There is a second delay but it does not bother me in the least. Highly Recommend.

I tried the new Summer Monitor as well and returned it after 1 night. Horrible feedback and static. Picture was nice but my sleep and sanity are nicer.
Read more about Graco imonitor Digital Color Video Baby Monitor Review...

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