Saturday, August 7, 2010

Safety 1st Illlumination Nursery Monitor Review

Safety 1st Illlumination Nursery Monitor Review
Buzzes all the time,can't hear much of anything usually,and have even heard neighbors talking in the recievers so obviously they have the same one and the channels crossed.
I have to say... I really love this thing. I see lots of not-so-good reviews here, but for me, it's been a good and reliable lifeline to my baby. We've used it everyday for 4.75 years. One of the speakers is finally wearing out, so we are getting a replacement. Apparently, if you unplug it, is does give you static--- we rarely unplug it, so I haven't really noticed. The light on the receiver is a bit touchy, but we keep it up and away from our son, so it's never really been a problem. For me, this thing is worth gold. It's always been amazingly sensitive. At half volume, I can hear my son's voice at exactly the same loudness he produces. And the lights at the top are incredibly reassuring. When he was 6 months old, and I was trying to train him to sleep through the night, I could turn down the volume (so my heart wouldn't fall into pieces), but still watch the lights reflecting accurately the loudness of his voice. Even now, I count on those lights to help me know that the monitor is on and that we haven't turned the volume down. They are comforting to me. So... I guess it's probably not perfect, but it's been a reliable old friend. One I'm not ready to let go of.
Read more about Safety 1st Illlumination Nursery Monitor Review...

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